
According to the new building energy law and the increased efforts in Germany to reduce CO2 emissions, the focus is on building physics.

In the area of ​​new buildings and refurbishments, the corresponding measures such as the use of heat pumps, heat recovery, insulation, installation of windows with low heat transfer coefficients, very good insulation of the facades, minimization of the external surfaces, avoidance of thermal bridges, etc. are in the foreground. The use of wood as a fuel is also recommended, although the pollutant emissions (NOx and SOx) look very bad compared to methane combustion. The carbon-based fuels emit more or less carbon dioxide, which clearly contributes to global warming. Science has formulated clear statements here. The Nobel Prize to Prof. Hasselmann in 2021 is an indication of the enormous importance of his work on computer-aided model calculations in the field of climate research. So there is unequivocal scientific evidence for global warming caused by humans. The consequences of warming have also been published.

Many scientists are already pointing out that the current measures are by no means sufficient. And certainly not on a global level. The problem cannot be solved in Germany, but a small but important contribution can be made. Even if the fundamental questions of where the various energy carriers come from and how much CO2 is released when they are converted into mechanical and electrical energy have not yet been satisfactorily answered.

Here, however, we want to strive for concrete improvements in the area of ​​house construction and also simply present efficient production processes for highly insulating walls.

This specialist portal is a very good source for good energy-efficient building: About the building forum – specialist portal for energy-efficient building and renovation (FEBS)